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An Introduction.

The film industry is unique, and challenges our mental health and wellbeing like no other.  We get it.  We know you need practical information, tools, and support to help take care of your own mental health, and help your fellow crew members to take care of their mental health.

Some of the challenges we face daily in the motion picture business:
  • Productions run for long periods of time: weeks and months

  • Constantly shifting deadlines and expectations

  • Long hours day after day

  • An increase in overall production which means no time off between shows

  • We’re expected to live and breathe production when we’re working; not enough time for ourselves or family

  • Lack of sleep - only 11% of us report getting enough sleep when we’re working

  • Not enough down time to have a real break mentally or emotionally, and no time to get to the gym

  • Family relationships, responsibilities, and social life suffer; we’re so exhausted we have nothing to give back to anyone

  • No time to sit down and enjoy a nourishing meal in a relaxed way

  • The uncertainty of our employment, never knowing where the next paycheque will be coming from

For all the benefits we receive doing this work that we love, production life on set or off can leave us vulnerable to stress, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, depression and developing serious mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts and actions. Turning to drugs and alcohol to keep going, manage stress, or ignore feelings becomes a way of life, and seems to work - until it doesn’t.

The transition between working non-stop and returning to “regular life” can be challenging for everyone involved, causing families to struggle to stay together. Feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression can creep in even when we’re surrounded by those we love or care for.

This industry is unique, and challenges our mental health and wellbeing like no other.

We get it.

We know you need practical information, tools, and support to:

  • help take care of your own mental health, and

  • help your fellow crew members to take care of their mental health.

We need readily accessible information, skills, and resources to improve our mental health and wellbeing whether we’re on the job or living life outside of work.

We are all key players in helping others who might be struggling too. The more informed we are about our own mental health, the more we’ll be able to help the person beside us who:

  • cries at the drop of a hat, or

  • gets angry and defensive at the least little thing, or

  • drinks/drugs too much and comes to work hungover way too often, or

  • withdraws, shuts everyone out, and won’t talk about what’s going on, or

  • may need mental health counselling because they’re on the verge of breaking down, or harming themselves or someone else.

Whether it’s you or your colleague, Calltime Mental Health has you covered.

With each Winning at Mental Health module on our website, you’ll find the latest practical mental health information about:

  • mental fitness and mental illness

  • addictions

  • stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

  • safety and suicide

  • trauma

  • managing your mind and emotions

  • the importance of self-compassion

  • relationships

  • real stories from your fellow crew members and advice on how to survive for the long haul in this industry

We all need help sometimes.

Calltime Mental Health has you covered. Counselling and referral services are available to you through your union benefits plan. Don’t wait to get the help you need.


Calltime Mental Health is a public resource and mental health campaign for all workers in the motion picture industry and performing arts. This is an initiative by British Columbia's motion picture industry unions to assist workers and employers grappling with mental health and addiction issues both in and out of the workplace. 


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© 2022 Calltime Mental Health Society

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